
Respondent Report

S.No. Respondent Name Applications filed by MSEs Applications Visible to Council after 15 days Applications Converted into Case by MSEFC Council Applications Disposed by MSEFC Council Applications Reject by MSEFC Council Applications Pending* Mutually Settled Responded by Govt. agency Not Responded by Govt. agency
1 Central Ministries 1481 261 186 314 374 10 336 36 1445
2 Central Department 2880 467 436 605 758 17 597 6 2874
3 Central PSU 7124 1076 1114 1877 1399 39 1619 1796 5328
4 Railway Zone 1074 201 189 239 225 6 214 0 1074
5 Railway Division 964 217 149 228 208 3 159 0 964
6 Ordnance Factory 269 47 53 83 47 1 38 13 256
7 Statutory Bodies 4 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 3
8 State Govt. 12025 2336 2278 2996 3214 60 1141 7 12018
9 State PSU 3788 556 966 1008 836 31 391 N/A N/A
10 MSME Unit 17420 4048 2962 3527 5191 158 1534 N/A N/A
11 Individual 9778 2209 1993 1639 3219 66 652 N/A N/A
12 Proprietorship 54918 16536 10169 8748 16020 534 2911 N/A N/A
13 Other 104235 21879 20292 22340 28304 889 10531 N/A N/A
Grand Total 215960 49835 40788 43604 59796 1814 20123 1859 23962
*Application pending means application has been received in last 15 days and can be mutually settled without MSEFC intervention